Books I've Loved: Deltora Quest by Emily Rodda

When reading about this series online I saw a review from a woman who said the books would appeal mostly to boys. I have to disagree wholeheartedly here – not once while being engrossed in these books did it occur to me that these were books better suited to boys, or that it should matter that the main character was a boy. I love fantasy and adventure, period, and this series had plenty of that.

The Importance of Goal-Setting and Accountability

I believe having goals written down, so they are tangible, in-front-of-your-face, preferably somewhere where you can look at them often, makes a big difference in your effort to realise those goals. It makes you remember them. It’s so easy to get caught up in the day-to-day routine of your life that they can easily slip your mind otherwise. And who’s going to call you out on it if you do? You’re only accountable to yourself.

How To Survive Studying While Working Full Time

Many people will come to a point in their working life when they will want to study again – either to upskill in their current area of work, or to try something new, with the hope of a career change. Over time I’ve developed habits to help me ‘survive’ studying while working a 9-5 job. So if you’re considering dipping into studying, or have already taken the plunge, read on to see how I’ve managed the balance.